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News are a few reports and unconfirmed rumours from various sources. Some credible, others,... well.


Daenna Van Mulligan
August 9, 2010 | Daenna Van Mulligan - Review: Twisted Tree Syrah 2008

By: Daenna Van Mulligen,, August 9, 2010

This is an earthy and peppery wine, appropriately labeled Syrah (rather than Shiraz) that is layered with sweet dark berries, chocolate and a hint of tar. The palate has a powdery texture and concentrated flavours of espresso. earth and peppery spices. A solid wine, well-made with nicely balanced acidity... / Read More

Time Posted: Aug 9, 2010 at 1:07 PM Permalink to - Review: Twisted Tree Syrah 2008 Permalink
Beppi Crosariol
October 13, 2009 | Beppi Crosariol

The Globe and Mail - Try on these warm-me-up-wines

By: Beppi Crosariol, Globe and Mail, October 13, 2009

I recently shared a drink with a visiting chef from Chile, Pilar Rodriguez. She's cooking in Toronto this week to promote Chilean wine and food on behalf of her country's foreign-affairs department. It may sound like a plum job, but there's a downside; she's forced to spend lots of time with nerdy wine writers like me.

For our meeting, she kindly brought along a bottle of Perez Cruz Syrah Reserva Limited Edition that she wanted to show off. At about $25, it's not your usual bargain Chilean red, which I think was the point. And I must say I liked it. But it was how she described the wine that turned me on to it as much the flavour: She called it "sexy." ... / Read Try on these warm-me-up-wines

Time Posted: Oct 13, 2009 at 1:11 PM Permalink to The Globe and Mail - Try on these warm-me-up-wines Permalink
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