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News are a few reports and unconfirmed rumours from various sources. Some credible, others,... well.


Jurgen Gothe
July 16, 2012 | Jurgen Gothe

The Georgia Straight - Red wines for summer days

By: Jurgen Gothe, The Georgia Straight, July 16, 2013

Not everyone likes to drink whites or pinks in the summer sipping season; reds come into play on many a patio. There are the obvious light choices, like Pinot Noir, which will happily handle a half-hour in the fridge before serving, or even an ice cube in the glass, and there are many big, bold reds that delight with their robustness, ice cube or no. Here’s a roundup of recently received reds that have pleasured the palate of late... / Read More

Time Posted: Jul 16, 2012 at 7:09 PM Permalink to The Georgia Straight - Red wines for summer days Permalink
Jurgen Gothe
June 5, 2012 | Jurgen Gothe

The Georgia Straight - A stampede of celebratory wines

By: Jurgen Gothe, The Georgia Straight, June 5, 2012

Many new wines have been arriving of late, quite a few of them all Noah’s ark–like: two by two. Here’s a random survey of some recent highlights. Has it really been 100 years since the Calgary Stampede started in that dusty little cow town? I’m sure I remember being at the very first one. (We grew up faster on the Prairies then!) I imagine millions of gallons of beer (and equal measures of rye) have gone down since that day—but wine? Might be a bit of a new one... / Read More

Time Posted: Jun 5, 2012 at 10:14 PM Permalink to The Georgia Straight - A stampede of celebratory wines Permalink
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